The City University of New York (CUNY) will be holding a one-day conference and festival dedicated to game-based learning pedagogies in higher education on January 17, 2014. We aim to bring together faculty, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students, game designers, and domain experts from various disciplines. Both CUNY and non-CUNY participation is welcome.
We are offering three general types of session formats: full-length presentations, short presentations, and more interactive demonstrations, including playtests of games-in-progress and post-mortems of completed projects. Proposals are due October 1st, 2013.
Topics addressed may include but are not limited to:
– Creating and using digital or non-digital games and simulations in higher education
– Working with students as they create games inside or outside the classroom
– Badges and in-game assessment
– Prototyping and/or playtesting
– Skill and drill games vs. deeper learning
– Comparisons of game-based learning to other pedagogies
– Discipline-specific games in higher education
– Critical thinking and social justice games
– Play-based learning
– The impact of games on the student and classroom experience
More information about the conference and the full call for proposals can be found at